On September 27th we had the pleasure of having Cameron B. Jackson, Sales and Leasing Consultant at speak to our club about the differences between along with the pros and cons of leasing or buying a new vehicle.
Below is a thank you letter from Help 4 Kids regarding their Backpack for Buddies program that Our Club, Little River Rotary along with the NMB Rotary Interact Club were honored to participate in. Together we are able to help… Continue Reading →
We had the pleasure of having award-winning spokesperson, keynote speaker, television/radio host and self proclaimed Rotary geek Tiffany Ervin speak to our club on September 20th about everything from Miss America to College Football to Rotary. Tiffany believes true happiness comes when you… Continue Reading →
NMB Rotsry Club had the pleasure of donating $200 to The Sea Haven for Youth. Sea Havens mission is to facilitate healing and recovery and promote the social and emotional well-being of children, youth, and families who have experienced trauma, Sea… Continue Reading →
On September 13th we had the pleasure of having Randy Hollister Founder of speak to us about starting and growing a startup business. Randy spoke about taking an idea and how to turn it into a viable business from the… Continue Reading →
We had the pleasure of having Russell Cavender of the speak to our club regarding the lethal and non lethal wildlife that exists here in the Coastal Carolinas and how to tell the difference. If you ever have a nuisance… Continue Reading →
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