On June 20th North Myrtle Beach Rotary had the pleasure of having NMB Councilman At Large Bob Cavanaugh speak to our club about the past and future growth of North Myrtle Beach along with the status of present and future projects… Continue Reading →
On April 18th we had the honor of having Dr. Holly Tankersley, CCU speak to our club about the present and past history of immigration in the USA and the affects on the US population.
On April 11th we had the pleasure of having Mr. David Neff of BNC Bank speak to our club regarding the ins and outs of Reverse Mortgages.
On March 14th we had the pleasure of having the Chairman of Chanticleer Holdings and CCU Class of ’84 Grad Mike Pruitt
We had the pleasure of having Mr. Joe Denton from Denton’s Metal Detectors in Little River talk to us about metal detectors and all the hidden treasures that can be unearthed here in the grand strand.
On February 24th we had the pleasure of again having Mrs. Wendy Gore speak to our club regarding Sea Haven’s progress with stamping out homeless youth in our community, their new location on highway 57 along with the Safe Place campaign.
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